Desk Plant Care Instructions

Elevate your plant care skills with our comprehensive guide! Learn how to make your desk plants thrive and create a more inviting and inspiring workspace.


Zebra Succulents are incredibly easy-going, low-care houseplants - great for beginners! Their foliage can range in shape, size and color and they'll make a great addition to your workspace!

LIGHT - Does well in ANY light condition!

WATER - Water ONCE PER MONTH. Make sure to saturate the soil when you do water your plant!

HUMIDITY - This plant does not require any extra humidity and enjoys dry air.

TOXICITY - Non-toxic and pet friendly!

ADDITIONAL INFO - Over time, the Zebra Succulent will shed its lower leaves. Though this can be alarming, it is completely natural and does not mean your plant is dying.


This plant is highly resilient. 

LIGHT - Thrives in medium to bright indirect light (but adaptable and able to survive in lower lighting conditions, including fluorescent lighting in windowless spaces)

WATER - Water ONCE PER MONTH. Only water it when the soil is completely dry. Water until the soil is saturated and completely wet.

HUMIDITY - Does not require any extra humidity.

TOXICITY - ZZ Plants are mildly toxic to pets and humans. If ingested, could cause mouth and stomach irritation and possible vomiting.

ADDITIONAL INFO - The ZZ Plant has developed a survival mechanism of dropping its leaflets to save water during prolonged droughts. If you notice the leaves falling off, don't lose hope, just water it and it should recover. Yellow leaves are an indication of overwatering.


The Money Tree is a perfect indoor foliage plant to give your home a tropical feel. Native to Mexico and South America, the Money Tree is also very popular in Eastern cultures.

LIGHT - Prefers indirect birght light and can adjust to lower light. Too much direct light will scourch the leaves, but low light exposure will cause slow growth and yellow leaves. Rotate your plant monthly to keep growth even.

WATER - Water when the soil is getting dry, approximately once every two weeks. Water thoroughly.

HUMIDITY - Does well in average household humidity. However, if the air is very dry it will appreciate the occasional humidity boost which can be done by sprinkling some water on the leaves. 

TOXICITY - Non-toxic and pet friendly

ADDITIONAL INFO - Try not to move your Money Tree very often, since they prefer a consistent environment. If you do need to relocate it, you may see a bit of leaf drop. Not to worry - it will adjust! Prune any discolored leaves as they age with sharp snips.


If you're new to owning plants or looking for a low-maintenance option, the Snake Plant is a great choice. These hardy plants are popular due to their ability to adapt to various growing conditions.

LIGHT - Adaptable to any light level, but grows faster in brighter light. Gradually acclimate it to direct light to avoid scorching foliage.

WATER - Water ONCE PER MONTH. Water only when the soil is completely dry. It's better to stay on the dry side. Soak the soil to encourage a healthy root system.

HUMIDITY - Does not need any additional humidity.

TOXICITY - Mild toxicity towards humans and pets. If ingested, some intestinal irritation and possible vomiting may occur

ADDITIONAL INFO - Snake Plants reproduce by growing new plants (or "pups") near the base of the mother plant. To propagate your Snake Plant, carefully remove the leaves and stems of each pup once the become a few inches tall and plant them into a new pot.


Jade Plant Succulents are incredibly easy-going, low-care houseplants - great for beginners!

LIGHT - Indirect to bright light. Can do well in flourescent light. Too little light can cause slow growth.

WATER - Water ONCE PER MONTH. The Jade Plant does not need to be watered as frequently as most indoor plants. Water only when the soil is completely dry. Water thoroughly until the soil is saturated.

HUMIDITY - Does not require any extra humidity and enjoys dry air.

TOXICITY - Non-toxic and pet friendly!

ADDITIONAL INFO - Over time, the Jade Plant will shed its lower leaves. Though this can be alarming, it is completely normal and does not mean your plant is dying.